ESTIMATED Price list for most passenger cars

Trucks and European Cars Extra

These are only estimated prices. The actual price may vary. Please understand that our cost for parts and oils are always fluctuating in this post-pandemic world. Some services can be combined and discounted. We reserve the right to decline service to anyone and any vehicle.

Tire Rotation - $30

Tire Patch - $30

Dismount, Mount & Balance + Disposal - $25/tire

Dismount Only - $10/tire

Tire Disposal - $5/tire

Tire Balance - $15/tire

Vehicle Inspection - $80

BYO Motor Oil & Filter for Service - $30

Castrol Full Synthetic Oil Change, up to 5 Quarts - $75 (each additional quart $10 extra)

Castrol Synthetic Blend Oil Change, up to 5 Quarts - $50 (each additional quart $5 extra)

For other services, please call us or use this form.

Updated 4/10/2024